18 October 2023

 Last month I was invited to attend Lapstone Public School's fiftieth anniversary. It was a pleasure to join with teachers, staff, students and the community at such a special time. I commend them for instilling curiosity and a love of learning at this excellent small school. It was a vibrant day, and I enjoyed the company of those who clearly care deeply for the school. As a former teacher, I understand the importance of providing children with a safe place to thrive, learn and socialise. Lapstone Public School continues to deliver this fundamental support under the leadership of Marvic Aquilina and an active, dedicated P&C. It has a proud history of commitment to education, youth and the community as a whole, encouraging students in their creative expression and academic endeavours. The combined efforts of the local community and the school's staff and students are demonstrated by a nurturing and positive attitude that supports lifelong learning. I congratulate Lappo Public on 50 years.